Home | Refutation | The enemy disinforms about confiscation of the land from Ukrainians and its transfer to Poles

The enemy disinforms about confiscation of the land from Ukrainians and its transfer to Poles

The enemy disinforms about confiscation of the land from Ukrainians and its transfer to Poles

❌ Hostile TG channels are spreading the news that land plots and other real estate objects will be seized from Ukrainians for the construction or reconstruction of critical infrastructure facilities. The confiscated lands will also allegedly be given to Polish citizens on preferential terms. According to propagandists, this is stated in draft law No. 8225 on the website of the Verkhovna Rada

✅ Actually!

🔻 This is only a draft law that has been under consideration by the parliament since November last year

🔻 The explanatory note does not refer to the transfer of confiscated lands to foreign citizens or investors

🔻 We are talking about expropriation of land or real estate for the construction and maintenance of critical infrastructure objects of the I and II categories of criticality for the reconstruction of the state

🔻 If the draft law is adopted, compensation will be provided to the owner of the plot for forced alienation

  • 24 May, 2023

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