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The Center participated in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “Practice of Strategic Communications in Times of War”

The Center participated in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “Practice of Strategic Communications in Times of War”

On April 22, 2024, the Center for Countering Disinformation participated in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “Practice of Strategic Communications in Times of War” held at the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine.

The purpose of the conference is to exchange practical experience of scientists, representatives of state and government institutions, international and public organizations in the implementation of strategic communications tools during russian full-scale aggression against Ukraine, to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategic communications in the interests of ensuring the security of the state for specialists in the security and defense sector, state institutions dealing with strategic communications.

International experts, employees of security and governmental institutions of Ukraine, and representatives of civil society and volunteer organizations took part in the discussion of practical issues of organizing strategic communications in wartime.

Kyrylo Viktorov, Deputy Head of the Center’s Department for Countering Information Threats to National Security, delivered a report on “Countering Hostile Information Influence”. The participants were briefed on current russian operations in the information space, as well as on the measures taken by the Center to neutralize possible damage to Ukraine’s national security.

Based on the results of the conference, a reference guide “Recommendations and best cases of strategic communications in wartime” will be prepared and posted on the official website of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine. 

  • 26 April, 2024

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