Home | Refutation | russia has stepped up attempts to discredit the Ukrainian peace formula

russia has stepped up attempts to discredit the Ukrainian peace formula

russia has stepped up attempts to discredit the Ukrainian peace formula

Amid the offensive in Kharkiv region, russia has resorted to more aggressive rhetoric about the Ukraine’s peace formula, trying to intimidate and persuade the West to make concessions to moscow.

In particular, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, commenting on the summit on the peace formula to be held in Switzerland, made the following manipulative statements:

▪️ “the russian federation is ready for negotiations based on the current realities.”
▪️ “If the West wants to fight on the battlefield, be my guest”.
▪️ “Switzerland is not suitable for negotiations because it has abandoned its neutrality”.
▪️ “The Istanbul agreements could have ended the war on favorable terms for Ukraine.”

russia sees the Ukrainian peace formula as a threat and is making efforts to discredit it on the eve of the summit in Switzerland. By repeating the narrative of its alleged willigness for negotiations, russia is raising the level of threats. It also wants to force Western countries to reduce their military and diplomatic support for Ukraine.

  • 14 May, 2024

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