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 The enemy keeps trying to spread panic among Ukrainians

 The enemy keeps trying to spread panic among Ukrainians

Russian propagandists continue to try to spread panic among the population of Ukrainian cities

In Berdiansk, the occupiers are distributing leaflets with the main narrative of the need for Ukraine to join russia. The text of such leaflets refers to the alleged struggle of the russian federation against Nazi groups, in particular the Azov regiment. All of this is cynically presented by the enemy as a non-alternative scenario.

Another manifestation of the inadequacy of russian propagandists is the propaganda radio broadcasts in Mariupol. Here, the enemy is actually threatening the city’s population, stating that the only way to survive is to stop resisting, surrender weapons and leave the city through “humanitarian corridors” created by the russia.

But their 1940s-style propaganda methods simply do not work on Ukrainians, because we all know what we are fighting for.

We’re close to victory! Everything will be Ukraine!

  • 13 April, 2023

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