Home | Refutation | russians are spreading a disinformation campaign about «peace negotiations on October, 4»

russians are spreading a disinformation campaign about «peace negotiations on October, 4»

russians are spreading a disinformation campaign about «peace negotiations on October, 4»

Videos are spreading on TikTok, as if there will be «peace negotiations» between Ukraine and russia on October 4, 2023. According to the content of the video, on October 4, the russian federation will give Ukraine an ultimatum: «either peace or a real war, which russia has not yet started»

ℹ️ After analyzing this disinformation campaign, the Center’s analysts came to the conclusion that for the first time such a video was published by a russian user on September 11, in which he referred to the «statement» of the chairman of the federation council of russia v.matvienko, as if «everything will be decided on October 4»

✅ In fact, similar statements v.matvienko does not exist, as well as the fact that «peace negotiations» will take place on October 4. This campaign is a continuation of one of the seasonal short-term information influence campaigns, which was first recorded in September 2022 and had an identical content

ℹ️ The purpose of this campaign is to raise the morale of the population of russia, intimidate Ukrainians and create panic

  • 28 September, 2023

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