Home | Refutation | Pro-russian media spread fake cover of French newspaper

Pro-russian media spread fake cover of French newspaper

Pro-russian media spread fake cover of French newspaper

❌ Fake

Pro-russian media spread the cover of the French weekly satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which allegedly depicts an angry Jesus and russian president v.putin calmly holding him, while on the other hand, the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyy takes a step back in fear

✅ Actually

There is no Charlie Hebdo publication with such a cover. In order to make sure of this, it is enough to go to the official website of the newspaper. Also, the unreliability of the column confirms that #1602 was published on April 5, 2023, but not #1603, as indicated in the fictional image

‼️ Such a fake is aimed at discrediting Ukraine and its President in front of the world community in connection with the struggle of the Ukrainian authorities with the UOC mp, which is subordinate to the enemy and spreads russian propaganda among its parishioners 

  • 7 April, 2023

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