Home | Refutation | Fake about the blackout is spreading in the internet

Fake about the blackout is spreading in the internet

Fake about the blackout is spreading in the internet

❌ The Ukrainian mass media, using clickbait headlines, spread fake information that, allegedly, from October 1, 2023, emergency power outage schedules will begin to operate in Ukraine

‼️ According to the Ministry of Energy, currently the electricity produced by Ukrainian power plants is sufficient to meet the needs of consumers, and no shutdowns are planned

◼️ The department noted that, taking into account the experience of last year, distribution system operators developed and published schedules of possible shutdowns in advance, which can be applied only in case of shelling and damage to energy equipment

✍🏻 On 11 September the Center predicted increased manipulation of energy issues in Ukraine

  • 11 September, 2023

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