Home | Refutation | A fake about the «blocking squads» Kherson region

A fake about the «blocking squads» Kherson region

A fake about the «blocking squads» Kherson region

❌ Information is spreading on the Internet that allegedly recently in the Kherson region, a «blocking squad»of local and foreign mercenaries shot a unit whose personnel refused to sail on boats to the left bank of the Dnipro

🔻 As evidence, a video is attached to the «news», where it seems that two Ukrainian soldiers are being fired from their positions

✅ This information, as the shared video, are the fakes of the russian propaganda. It is also impossible to identify the area in the video and it is not clear where the fire is coming from. In addition, the faces of the military are not visible in the video. All these signs point to the fact that this is the russian PSYOP, the purpose of which is to demoralize the Ukrainian military!

‼️Trust only sources of verified information!

  • 18 August, 2023

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