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Enemy Spreads Disinformation About Preparations for Mobilizing Women

Enemy Spreads Disinformation About Preparations for Mobilizing Women

The enemy spreads disinformation and manipulative messages about alleged preparations in Ukraine to mobilize women and lower the mobilization age.

russian propaganda sources are actively spreading an interview with one of the Ukrainian military officers discussing the potential lowering of the mobilization age to 23 and the extension of mobilization to women. However, they manipulate information by presenting the personal opinions of an individual as the official position of the Ukrainian state.

In this way, the kremlin is attempting to sow panic among Ukrainians, provoke divisions within Ukrainian society, and turn civilians against the military.

There are currently no plans to mobilize women in Ukraine. The mobilization age starts at 25. There are no intentions to lower it.

People in Ukraine have the right to voice their own opinions, but that doesn’t automatically make it the official position of the state.

Don’t let the enemy mislead you.

  • 4 June, 2024

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