Home | Results | Anti-Ukrainian propaganda in belarus. konstantin prydibailo

Anti-Ukrainian propaganda in belarus. konstantin prydibailo

Anti-Ukrainian propaganda in belarus. konstantin prydibailo

The CCD continues its series of reports about the main perpetrators of anti-Ukrainian propaganda in belarus. Another influential propagandist in the country is konstantin prydibailo, a correspondent for the russian propaganda channel RT, which specializes in covering events in belarus.

▫️ prydibailo’s media activities are marked by openly anti-Western rhetoric and are based on three pillars: creating a picture of a “beautiful life” in belarus under lukashenko’s rule, slandering belarusian and russian oppositionists, and supporting russia’s aggressive policy.

▫️ In addition to his own reports, prydibailo actively participates in belarusian TV programs and conducts anti-Ukrainian propaganda through social media.

In particular, he recently joined a campaign to justify russia’s attack on a children’s hospital in Kyiv. The propagandist posted a video of clearing the rubble, claiming that “many Ukrainian soldiers” were working at the scene, thereby feeding his audience the russian narrative of a “strike on a military target.”

  • 25 July, 2024

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