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The Japanese TV channel Nippon News Network aired story about CCD

The Japanese TV channel Nippon News Network aired story about CCD

The Japanese TV channel Nippon News Network aired a segment about the Center for Countering Disinformation.

The more than eight-minute story describes the Center’s tasks and means of combating russian disinformation and fakes.

Last year, the Center debunked a fake by russians who used the brand of a well-known Japanese sushi restaurant chain to spread the narrative that the topic of the war in Ukraine was boring and no longer relevant.

The acting head of the Center, Andriy Shapovalov, emphasized the current challenges and threats to information security in Ukraine and around the world. He noted that the Center carefully analyzes russian propaganda and urged not to trust the messages of any russian source.

Acting Deputy Head of the Center Anayit Khoperiya emphasized the importance of combining efforts at the international level to jointly counter disinformation, manipulations and fakes.

  • 30 October, 2023

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