Home | Events | The Center took part in the symposium “Cognitive Dominance: Information, Disinformation and Influence Operations in the Competition of Great Powers”

The Center took part in the symposium “Cognitive Dominance: Information, Disinformation and Influence Operations in the Competition of Great Powers”

The Center took part in the symposium “Cognitive Dominance: Information, Disinformation and Influence Operations in the Competition of Great Powers”

On April 15-16, in Stockholm, Sweden, the Center for Countering Disinformation took part in the symposium “Cognitive Dominance: Information, Disinformation and Influence Operations in the Competition of Great Powers”.

As part of the panel discussion “Information warfare in Ukraine”, Anayit Khoperiya, Deputy Head of the Center, informed about the Center’s tasks and work, presented analytical studies and new projects, and emphasized the importance of countering hostile PSYOP at the national and international levels.

The Center also held meetings with representatives of the Swedish Psychological Defense Agency, the Swedish Military University, the Swedish Defense Research Agency, and the Swedish Ministry of Defense to discuss areas of cooperation and steps to implement future joint projects.

  • 19 April, 2024

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