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28 June 2024 |

How russian propaganda uses esports

The kremlin directly and covertly invests state resources in the development of the so-called esports. russian dictator vladimir putin has expressed particular interest in the development of this sector, even incorporating the video game industry into the “Fundamentals of the state policy of the russian federation in the field of…

17 June 2024 |

What do russia’s threats mean amid discussions of a new EU sanctions package?

russian propaganda has intensified its efforts to counter the introduction of new sanctions. As part of this campaign, there are threats being made about russia potentially seeking compensation for losses caused by these restrictive measures. Former russian president dmitry medvedev stated that moscow intends to “calculate the losses incurred from…

4 June 2024 |

Enemy Portrays Construction of Military Logistics Facility in Occupied Territories of Ukraine as Act of “Care”

Ru-propaganda tries to present the construction of a military logistics facility in the occupied territories of Ukraine as an act of “care” for the local population The occupiers are building a railroad from rostov-on-don to Crimea through the TOT of Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions to create a narrative of…

30 May 2024 |

How russia continues to blackmail the West

russia continues its policy of blackmailing the West, trying to disrupt arms supplies to our country and weaken its political support in the world. This is evidenced by statements from a new interview with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, which is a mixture of manipulation and threats. In particular, the…

22 May 2024 |

russia continues to intimidate the world with nuclear weapons

russian propaganda outlets are actively spreading a video of exercises called “practical training in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons” happening in russia’s southern military district. The video, which appears to be staged, shows the deployment of Iskander systems and a Kinzhal hypersonic missile-carrying fighter. Some of the equipment is…

21 May 2024 |

russia has moved from discrediting the Ukrainian peace formula to directly threatening its participants

In particular, former russian president dmitry medvedev said that participation in the summit to be held in Switzerland would be “tantamount to siding with the Banderite regime” for “neutral” states. ▪️ In his post on X, written in English and clearly aimed at a foreign audience, he emphasized that participation…

14 November 2023 |

What should Ukraine expect from the meeting between J. Biden and Xi Jinping

Obviously, the main international event of the month will be the talks between the US and Chinese presidents scheduled for November 15. The meeting will take place in San Francisco on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit.  Expectations are high for this meeting, as it will…

13 November 2023 |

What is behind the transport blockade of Ukraine on the border with Poland

On November 6, Polish carriers began physically blocking three of the four largest border crossings on the Polish-Ukrainian border (Korczowa-Krakowiec, Dorohusk-Yahodyn, and Hrebenne-Rawa-Ruska). Although the protesters promised not to interfere with passenger transportation, as well as the import of military and humanitarian supplies to Ukraine, as of November 13, about…

24 October 2023 |

Are situations in Ukraine and Israel similar?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is forcing russian propaganda to change the focus of its PSYOP. Comparing the events in Ukraine and Gaza has become a new trend in russian information attacks, which of course is in favor of the kremlin. The newest narrative in recent stories by russian and pro-russian media…

20 September 2023 |

What is behind the escalation of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh

On September 19, Azerbaijan announced the launch of local anti-terrorist measures in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to a statement by the country’s Defense Ministry, the purpose of these measures is to ensure the safety of Azerbaijani servicemen and restore the constitutional order of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the region. The Azerbaijani…

3 September 2023 |

Is Asia’s position on the war in Ukraine changing

After a year and a half since the beginning of russia’s full-scale invasion, the question of where the leaders of different countries stand on russia, Ukraine, and the war is becoming crucial. While the vast majority of Western countries have responded to the aggression with political, military, and financial support…

1 September 2023 |

Why did strelkov decide to run against putin

Igor strelkov (Girkin), a former fsb officer and leader of the terrorist quasi-entity “DPR”, who was arrested in russia on charges of “calling for extremism”, announced on August 31 that he would run for president in the upcoming presidential election. Moreover, he listed point by point his advantages and disadvantages…

Articles | cторінка: 1

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