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What do russia’s threats mean amid discussions of a new EU sanctions package?

What do russia’s threats mean amid discussions of a new EU sanctions package?

russian propaganda has intensified its efforts to counter the introduction of new sanctions. As part of this campaign, there are threats being made about russia potentially seeking compensation for losses caused by these restrictive measures.

Former russian president dmitry medvedev stated that moscow intends to “calculate the losses incurred from the sanctions in order to be able to claim them in the future.”

◾️ At the same time, there are reports circulating that Western restrictions are allegedly ineffective and that the russian economy is growing. However, medvedev’s statement contradicts this propaganda bravado. After all, if there are losses, then the sanctions are having an impact.

The purpose of such statements is to influence Western countries’ decisions to intensify sanctions pressure on russia. However, medvedev’s words could also have a detrimental effect on the russian economy. Given past instances of foreign companies facing “nationalization” in russia, this statement might prompt remaining foreign businesses to consider exiting the market.

  • 17 June, 2024

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