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russia continues to intimidate the world with nuclear weapons

russia continues to intimidate the world with nuclear weapons

russian propaganda outlets are actively spreading a video of exercises called “practical training in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons” happening in russia’s southern military district.

The video, which appears to be staged, shows the deployment of Iskander systems and a Kinzhal hypersonic missile-carrying fighter. Some of the equipment is marked with the letter “Z,” symbolizing the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Almost simultaneously with the video’s release, news emerged that the russian government had decided to unilaterally change its maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.

The purpose of such videos is to further intimidate Ukraine and Western countries, aiming to reduce military assistance to Ukraine and pressure our partners into making decisions favorable to russia. The kremlin’s constant attempts to escalate demonstrate that the only language russians understand is the language of force.

  • 22 May, 2024

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