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How russian propaganda uses esports

How russian propaganda uses esports

The kremlin directly and covertly invests state resources in the development of the so-called esports.

russian dictator vladimir putin has expressed particular interest in the development of this sector, even incorporating the video game industry into the “Fundamentals of the state policy of the russian federation in the field of historical education.”

In reality, russian authorities utilize esports as a tool to propagate russian narratives among young people and to train specialists for the russian army and the war in Ukraine. They even founded the “Orthodox” esports school “Voznesenie”.

❗️Under putin’s directives, russian schools will include “design and management of UAVs” in their curriculum under the guise of esports. Additionally, the russian esports federation is proposing the formation of special “sports units” for esports athletes.

Esports in russia has little to do with sports, but is one of the tools for militarizing society.

  • 28 June, 2024

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