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How russia continues to blackmail the West

How russia continues to blackmail the West

russia continues its policy of blackmailing the West, trying to disrupt arms supplies to our country and weaken its political support in the world.

This is evidenced by statements from a new interview with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, which is a mixture of manipulation and threats. In particular, the head of russian diplomacy expressed the following narratives:

◽️ “The West can ‘speed up’ the political settlement of the war if it stops supplying weapons.”
◽️ “It is hard to imagine a dialogue about peace under the rule of the ‘party of war’ in Kyiv, so russia continues to ‘do its own thing’.”
◽️ “moscow is open to negotiations.”
◽️ “russia considers the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Kyiv as a signal action of NATO in the nuclear sphere.”
◽️ “Nuclear exercises of russia and belarus should wake up opponents.”

lavrov’s statements are a continuation of the policy of nuclear blackmail against Ukraine’s partners. And messages about readiness for negotiations are just empty talk that does not correspond to moscow’s real intentions. The aggressor state wants to continue the war and is trying to weaken Ukraine’s defense capabilities by all means.

  • 30 May, 2024

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