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The CCD conducted a training for the Security Service of Ukraine on countering enemy propaganda in times of war

The CCD conducted a training for the Security Service of Ukraine on countering enemy propaganda in times of war

During a three-day training course organized by the Center for Strategic Communications of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, leading Ukrainian experts in strategic communications and countering information threats shared their experience in combating enemy propaganda.  

Acting Deputy Head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the NSDC of Ukraine, Anayit Khoperiya, spoke about the tools of russian propaganda – fake telegram channels and advertising, the use of bots and pseudo-experts. She shared her experience in detecting, informing and responding to information threats aimed not only at the Ukrainian but also at the international audience. 

А. Khoperiya spoke about the Center’s work, cooperation with colleagues and partners from international organizations and government agencies, as well as the Center’s educational programs to increase media literacy and public resistance to disinformation.

  • 21 November, 2023

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