Home | Refutation | CCD debunks fakes about the ban on russian music in Ukraine

CCD debunks fakes about the ban on russian music in Ukraine

CCD debunks fakes about the ban on russian music in Ukraine


Verkhovna Rada has banned russian music. But there are decent singers from russia!

 The Rada supported a bill to partially ban russian music in public transportation and public places. The ban does not apply to singers included in the List of Musical Performers Condemning the War Against Ukraine. This list is in the process of being created and will be public.


What about former russian bands? We can’t watch their old videos either?

 The law applies to songs and music videos by performers who are citizens of the russian federation or became citizens after 1991 and publicly support the war against Ukraine.

The exception is former russian citizens who are alive or did not support the war in Ukraine at the time of their death.


What about concerts? Russian artists do travel to Ukraine.

 The ban also applies to touring events by artists with russian citizenship.

The only exception is the performers who will be included in the “white” list created by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

  • 12 April, 2023

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