Home | Refutation | CCD debunks fakes about the ban on imports of russian-language books

CCD debunks fakes about the ban on imports of russian-language books

CCD debunks fakes about the ban on imports of russian-language books


The Verkhovna Rada has banned russian books. We must remove them from store shelves!

 The Verkhovna Rada has banned the production, import and distribution in Ukraine of publishing products from Belarus, russia and the territories of Ukraine occupied by russia, as well as books whose authors have become citizens of russia since 1991. This ban will not apply to books published in Ukraine before January 1, 2023.


I am Ukrainian, but my books are published in russian in Belarus. I will have to destroy the copies!

 If the book is written in russian, but it was not written by a citizen of the Russian Federation and it does not fall under other legislative restrictions, it can be imported, but only with a special permit


I have already been issued a permit to import russian books and magazines. Is it still valid?

 The ban on the import of russian publishing products applies to everyone without exception. Previously issued permits for the importation of russian books and magazines will be canceled with the adoption of the Law

  • 12 April, 2023

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