Recently, TikTok has become one of the platforms in Poland where anti-Ukrainian materials are actively spreading.
Among the many accounts echoing russian propaganda narratives, the following stand out:
◽️Martwyobywatel – features numerous videos discrediting Ukrainian refugees and targeting the Ukrainian language. It promotes narratives about the «Ukrainization of Poland» and the «displacement» of Polish culture and language by Ukrainians.
◽️19_illegal_06 (SIEWCA_PRAWDY) – this page spreads anti-Ukrainian posts and memes aimed at demeaning Ukrainians and discrediting Ukraine’s political leadership. Narratives about the «Banderization of Poland» are pushed, along with the promotion of hatred towards Ukrainian refugees.
◽️Asherbur (Asher Burov-Şǔraev) – run by a russian citizen who lived in Lublin and is now likely in Israel. The account features videos on resisting the «Ukrainization of Poland» and attempts to depict Ukrainians in a negative light. It also contains content glorifying putin and justifying russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
◽️Polakpatriotaa – this profile promotes pro-russian narratives against Polish leadership, EU politicians, and Ukrainians. Some posts aim to scare Poles about Poland’s potential involvement in the war against russia, pushing the pro-russian slogan «It’s not our war» and calling on people not to help Ukraine.